
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The Three Cs - Color cover and content - a good year.

Single interracial dating free online interracial dating, personal ads and other InterRacialMatcher.com.Annual clear only once a year, so that students and teachers want to be the best in school history: Or at least the best one yet. In durable because the ink on the paper, which can not be said to be the online equivalent of a Facebook group page.

In this you have to be careful with CS 3 model is the cover and contents. Each one is as important as the other, so each one carefully.Color scheme.The first thing you notice about the color of a school directory for obvious reasons - your eyes will be attracted or repelled by the color. When the eye is drawn to color, it is more likely to open the school appreciate and enjoy the pictures in the story.

We suggest a model for consistent color, everything seems to work as it was intended. Your best tool to achieve a color wheel to choose colors go together, you can choose a contrasting color or supplements. But make sure that all the pages can be either appropriate advice on the choice of colors in your program.

• A small number of colors to achieve a uniform look colorful.

• Use color to a specific part of the page (such as title, description of the image content and group).

• Choose a unique color tone and color using the colors of your school or go to your theme.Includes ideas.

Comprehensive model is the first page you see when students and teachers can get a set of them. So you should be smart to choose, to encourage them to purchase artwork.You can use the school's name and colors, of course, although you may want to add a modern touch publications per year. Remember that this year is a reflection of the time it was published a few strategies here and there to admire.

Among other ideas, including annual reports.• sense of historical continuity between the current generation of students.

• four seasons theme may change in time and changes in the school's activities are highlighted.

Your main goal in art is to encourage people to buy the book.

Content sellers.Of course, you can encourage students and teachers with an interest in the academic year that you want to keep it to the last page. It is an interesting and colorful solids.Be sure to include photos with colorful and instantly and set: An interesting story about school events and students and teachers, as long as people in a positive light, and I particularly noteworthy is the overall experience of students in grade fun. When you can combine attractive colors, interesting and contains a version of the current riveting smash hit.

Article Source: http://www.shopingsave.com 

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