
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

2009 A comparison of the Sony Reader PRS-700 vs Amazon kindle 2

Sony Reader PRS-700 and the Amazon kindle 2 two e-book readers that are Hottest hit the market in the last 12 months, the pleasure to read a whole new level. For new devices for e-book reading and interested in getting one, here is a comparison of Amazon kindle 2 vs Sony Reader and how they match against each other.

Size and weight

The size and weight of these gadgets do not really give advantage to others. Sony Reader PRS-700 weighs about 10 ounces light 2nd line about it. Sony Reader is a little more broad and thick, while the fan a couple of inch. In any case, both are very convenient to carry.

Advantage: Tie


The price of a gadget is an important factor for many people, especially for first time buyers. The Amazon kindle 2 is currently priced at $ 359, while the Sony player is currently tied to $ 399, making it cheaper flame 2 to $ 40.

Advantage: Amazon kindle 2


The two players use the same e-ink technology, which creates a screen that is almost similar to text on paper, eliminating the eyestrain and provides easy readability with crisp text and images. The Amazon kindle in 2009, however, are now enhanced with 16 shades of gray, while the Sony Reader is an 8-level gray.

Advantage: Amazon kindle 2

Wireless Function

Here's a category where the Sony Reader is clearly outweighed the fan. The 2nd light using Amazon Whispernet generation technology that provides wireless coverage to free the United States by Sprint's 3G high-speed network. Kindle users can access over 240,000 titles of books, periodicals, newspapers and even blogs. By choosing only to read the content of choice and pay for it, the book or magazine can be downloaded to turn anytime and anywhere in minutes! Sony Reader PRS-700, on the other hand, it still lacks the wireless capabilities, and with just more than 100,000 books chosen are not even close to the breadth of content that flame.

Advantage: Amazon kindle 2

Supported Formats

Both e-book reader supports most common formats used, such as TXT, MP3, JPEG, GIF, PNG and BMP, and some styles unique to each device. Sony Reader supports PDF, however, while the 2 flame is not - not directly, anyway. PDF file is still sent to the office to support that convert light to show the Amazon kindle and provide the warning that "some complex PDF files can not initiate properly" to kindle.

Advantage: Sony Reader 700

Time and battery charge

The same e-book readers the same ability when it comes to battery life. A full charge 2 light or Sony Reader, you can read in just two weeks without requiring a recharge. The only difference is that if the fan 2 is used in radio, the battery is reduced to only four days. The charge time for both players is four hours via USB port or two hours with a wall charger.

Advantage: Tie

Storage capacity

In this feature, you Sony Reader clear upper hand. True, Amazon kindle 2 with 2G of memory available for 1.4G content and may contain up to 1500 pounds, but it takes that supports memory. While the Sony Reader 256 MB internal memory may seem like peanuts compared to the fan, the biggest advantage is actually the ability of Sony to support up to 16 g of external memory. See, this is a big advantage not only when there are thousands of content you need it, but also for managing files for different memory.

Advantage: Sony Reader PRS-700

The Bottom Line 2009 Comparison of Amazon kindle 2 vs. Sony eBook Reader

While not a total knock-out to precipitate over Sony Reader, it is near! The Amazon kindle 2 is better in the hands ebook reader down. The price, breadth of content, wireless capabilities, and improvements in the overall design of the 2nd generation kindle from Amazon, there is a clear winner in the Sony Reader 700

Get the Amazon kindle 2 review and make the video tour to see how cool the pocket ebook reader!

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