
Saturday, November 14, 2009

summer reading list for entrepreneurs

I have read many self help books over the years. There are classics such as Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich, James Allen "The man thinks, and modern works such as The Tony Robbins Awaken 'giant within. The book laid the basis for me, but I've made quantum leaps to financial success, entrepreneur and feeling, until I read three books beyond.

The first book I recommend you read the Hidden Treasures: Heaven Astonishing Help with your money by Leslie family. This book eloquently explains the 7 Laws of abundant life, or 7 universal laws that govern success. The author, Leslie family, I personally tutor in law. To say that changes in life would be a understatement. Study of these laws allow me to make quantum leaps in my business and finances in the last five years. Today, I earn five times the annual rent, which I during my first encounter with Leslie!

Another book that my teacher was Leslie Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Beards. This version of the classic e-book is available free at many places on the Web. Rebecca Fine is one of the most comprehensive book on Wattles with a great newsletter I always read when it reaches my inbox, and a practical interactive course SGR genius.

The third book I recommend Feelings Buried alive Never Die by Karol K. Truman. I was studying and teaching the 7 laws of life in abundance (including the laws of attraction) for years, but I felt that if an important piece missing. "Feelings Buried alive Do not Die" is the missing piece! If you have tried to conduct law of attraction and other universal laws, but something does not happen to you, the book is for you. If you need help with relationships, finances, or physical, emotional or spiritual problems, this book goes to the heart.

A few days after purchase, I was able to identify the most important experiences and feelings that are blocked my path. I use "script" included in the book to transform my negative emotions with positive thoughts. I do not hide their feelings, trying to force me to think positive. Myself and convert them to not be a problem.

If I were to define my own list of three most influential self-help books, they will be. Of course there are other good books available. The important thing is finding people who talk about you. Each of us may need a different teacher. Other books I recommend are the Jackrabbit Factor: Why You? Leslie home and of course the Secret DVD is a good demonstration of the law of attraction.

To read my personal journey to the laws of the abundant life he said you can still fly if you are clinging to the dirt: How to remove the concerns and reach their God-given potential.

Did you know that one is born with a strong message that is designed only for delivery? As a nice garden around a theme, which is prepackaged in the seed of talent to help convey their message. Marnie Pehrson (a wife and mother of 6) helps people who want to start an online business and earn money with your talent since 1994. He is the author of 26 books and electronic books on topics such as making more a day than most people accomplish in a week and you're here for one reason: to discover and live their purpose. Marnie love working with entrepreneurs and help them monetize their gift so that they bring their message to the effect the world forever. Consider a farmer from his land - an irrigated crop - that has to help you get a good harvest! Get the first 50 pages here for a FREE of're reason.

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